Thursday, January 26, 2012

Keyword Research - The Big Picture Of Why Keyword Research Is Important

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AppId is over the quota

Keyword research is a practice used by search engine optimization professionals to find and research actual search terms people enter into the search engines when conducting a search. Search engine optimization professionals research keywords in order to achieve better rankings for their desired keywords. So besides the definition of what keyword research is, it's far more important to understand why keyword research is important to your online business.

I like to think of keywords as being the foundation of content creation. When you do some research and find keywords related to your business, you can use those in so many ways to build up your business. For instance, when you do proper keyword research, you can use the keywords for all sorts of things like pay per click campaigns, article marketing, blog posts, forum marketing, press releases, video marketing and so much more.

Now that's kind of the 'basic' idea of what you do with keywords. Let's take it a step further in what's really happening online today.

Every single minute of every single day, people are searching the Internet looking for solutions to their problems. If your products or services solve their problems, you're half way there. The real trick is you want to be right there in front of them at the exact moment they are searching for a solution to their problems.

That's the big picture of keyword research.

Lets say you're in the weight loss industry and your product helps someone lose weight by following a specific system that uses water (this is just an example and completely made up). You want to find the keywords that are associated with losing weight with water, so when someone actually types in 'how do I lose weight with the water method', you're right there. You're the first listing on the first page and you have the exact solution that they're looking for. That's the idea.

It's important to understand that if you're not there, your competitor will be. They will get the sale, they will get the customer for the long haul (assuming their product works) and you've lost out on a chance to build a long-term relationship with your customer. Now of course this isn't a 'do or die' type situation where if you're not on the first page of the search rankings you're never going to make a sale, but I think you get the idea. Smart marketers who target the right keywords will make the sales while the other marketers who don't know which keywords to target will be left wondering what's going on.

Obviously not every traffic generation strategy out there today relies on keyword research, but a good amount of them do. Take the time to do proper keyword research and your business will thank you for it down the road.

This article was a snippet of my new product called the Keyword Research Shortcut System. If you'd like to get a free sample of this product, meaning one of the modules that teaches a free keyword research system, click the link below.

Free Module: Keyword Research Shortcut System

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