Sunday, February 5, 2012

What Is an RSS Feed and How Best to Optimize Its Use

So, what is an RSS feed anyway? Nowadays, the internet has become a great part of most people's lifestyle (mine included!). For some individuals, a daily routine is not complete without logging online. However, no matter how fun web surfing is, it tends to become too time consuming to check each of your favorite sites. It would definitely save you a lot of time if you can check every update and headline in a single place. For those of you who don't know yet, it actually is possible!

Now, let's elaborate that further...

What is an RSS feed?

RSS, which stands for Really Simple Syndication, is an XML format created for news syndication and used as a tool to share web content. Simply put, it provides you with a list of headlines and latest stories from your favorite blogs and sites, everything gathered in one place.

The RSS feed reader on the other hand is the place where the creation of an RSS list takes place. It collects all headlines from your subscribed sites. Now, for you to be able to subscribe for an RSS feed, you simply need to allow a specific site to constantly provide you with a steady flow of updates. You can do this by clicking the symbol to submit feeds.Another option is through a text link that says "Subscribe to RSS feed," or something like that.

How do you optimize the use of an this feed?

If your intention for an RSS feed is for SEO purposes, you definitely need to use a Feedburner. Now, you can do the following for optimization:

Fully publish the feed.Advertise Social Sharing by using FeedFlare.Title and description of the feed must also be optimized.Include an email signature.Find ways to cross post articles to other websites.Your feed must offer email subscriptions.Acquire Creative Commons license to ensure that other others won't copy your content to their sites.Flaunt your feed count for everyone to see. Keep your blogging activity on a consistent level in order to keep your subscribers.

Now, I hope you have a better idea of what is an RSS feed. My advice is to submit to as many as you find interesting to familiarize yourself, and then decide what strategy to adapt.

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