Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Potential of RSS in Internet Marketing

There are many ways to syndicate your content, but the most popular tactic is taking advantage of RSS technology integrated into your website. This is not a major trouble when it comes to bloggers, because practically all the software for blog publishing integrates a feature to syndicate news, articles and updates as soon as these are posted. Such software "ping" RSS services committed to provide surfers with the latest information published on the Internet in similar fashion search engines work indexing websites on the net.
Pinging on the Internet refers to make a call from the website that originates the news to the breaking news services, so generating RSS feeds put you in control of how your updates will be broadcast, where and when, without needing to wait until a search engine comes on-site to index the content.
Websites other than blogs can also benefit from a RSS marketing campaign, simply converting actual news and recently added content to RSS feeds with the aid of desktop software or online services, which not only make the conversion but provide users with a JavaScript piece of code that can be easily integrated in any website layout regardless the programming language used to develop it.
There are two ways to syndicate RSS feeds; offering a summary of the content you want to publicize, or delivering the full text by this mean. Full text is useful to keep up-to-date people who has little time to surf the web, but is subscribed to your RSS service, So therefore they can use a RSS reader to stay informed about your website anytime.
Even though, full text feeds are a double-edged sword, because they can be used by people who replicate your content somewhere else on the net. While this practice is good for article distribution, allowing authors to gain exposure, it can be a potential problem if your content is copyrighted or simply you do not want to have other websites publishing it.
In such case scenario, providing a summary is a better marketing strategy regardless the angle you may look at it through. From an advertising perspective, a summary feed can attract the interest of your readers, hence driving traffic to your website. On the other hand, summarized content prevents RSS abuse of unscrupulous webmasters that profit from automated blogs retrieving and replicating published content. Start today an Internet marketing campaign based on RSS and you will see how easy is achieve success. offers a feed button and feed cache in one convenient location. Join today free by visiting

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why Your Forum Should Provide RSS Feeds

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AppId is over the quota

Actually almost any script available on the Internet to empower a website includes RSS functionality, whether we are speaking of a forum, blog, CMS or even social networking software. However, the nature of forum websites should be put aside to analyze carefully its potential.

Traffic to a forum is not limited to the number of members subscribed to it. Forum topics may drive traffic by themselves and therefore your forum website might be receiving many visitors that eventually become members or simply may click on your advertising, or any other revenue source that you have made available on it.

RSS is the best aid you can count on to grab surfers' attention. Many forums have as many different topics and threads that may confuse casual surfers, who may not browse post by post to find what they are looking for. Naturally, search engines crawl a forum website, indexing as many or as little pages as it could have. Nonetheless and due to its structure, a forum should pay extra attention to SEO (Search Engine Optimization.)

Even though, here is where RSS feeds comes handy, because no matter how search engine-friendly your forum is, the fact is that a forum feed can be indexed faster than posts alone waiting for the crawling. Moreover, RSS provides either the full or summary content of those topics and threads; hence, people can find exactly what they want to know by going straight to the point.

It is really easy find forum alternatives to costly software. Doves Forum, MyBB, Simple Machines, phpBB, XMB, punBB, Phorum, AEF, and bbPress are just a few of the many open source scripts that you may look at for a cost-free solution, but pay attention to the RSS structure that they provide.

Many forums, paid and free, do not include feeds syndication. Others like bbPress, which is based on WordPress, offer blog-like RSS. This means that such software will only deliver generic feeds for all recent topics and posts. If you want to unleash your forum potential with blasting traffic, do not go for a solution with limited RSS syndication.

Forums are best marketed when the core script has powerful RSS features to syndicate a topic summary, but also each thread individually. A feed per thread guarantees that all your forum content will be indexed faster, reaching your target audience, and some forum software can also retrieve RSS feeds from external sources to round your content. offers feed button and feed cache in one convenient location. Join today free by visiting

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

RSS basics

RSS is one of the best ways to publish updates with some feeds not only the post titles, but also summaries and even photographs. Feeds that provide a brief summary is often the most popular are the readers can read the summary and decide if they want to read more. If so, the feed offers a link to the original posting. This is helpful for those who want only to read the headings as well as those who may be interested in a wide range of issues, but I don't want to read the whole post about each topic.

Advantages of RSS

RSS provides advantages for webmasters and readers alike.

Current information on local news, weather, new music, upgrades to the software, or simply a new entry on a popular blog or any other subject matter which enjoys the reader. RSS is a way for webmasters of all to get the word out about its sales on the site, companies offering new products or services, and news on many subjects.

Saves time readers. Instead of searching through all your favorite Web sites, Web sites, news and more to find current news can only read the headlines in order to determine which stories are worth reading further. This will help your readers to prioritize the news and stories of how they want to read.

Puts the power in the hands of the reader. Readers are subscribers of websites that offer the theme you are interested in and then you will receive real-time updates from these Web sites.

Helps with too much email. By subscribing to RSS feeds to your email address is not provided on the website, so you will not receive additional e-mails. This means that no unsolicited e-mails from the Web site, which is often the case when you subscribe to a newsletter. Too many times, you will receive more than just the newsletter, which makes it very readers unsubscribe from your newsletter. This will not happen with the RSS feeds, such as in animal feed is sent to email addresses.

If a reader chooses them is no longer what to subscribe to a feed, all you have to do is delete the feed, and why. In all, without questions. When you delete a feed from your spike there is nothing else to do.

For webmasters, RSS feeds, can be used for advertising. The reason this can happen is that your subscribers want the latest news, so you can add sales, new products, or even posts about various products and your readers will be glad to receive this via the feed.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

RSS Feeds Bring Targeted Traffic

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AppId is over the quota

People enjoy reading up to date articles, posts, and stories on subjects that interest them. Today, they are not too interested in getting old news due to the way in which the internet delivers news. RSS feeds are a fast and reliable way to get news fast. You may have visitors coming to your website every day to read your new articles; however, you may not be posting new content daily, which will make your readers look elsewhere. With RSS feeds, your visitors can easily subscribe to your feed and read it on their desktop or on a website via a RSS reader. This makes the feeds very important for your website, as you will not have to update each day but as often as you like without turning away visitors.

When you put up new content on your website the RSS feed will alert your subscribers of the news immediately. They will not have to check back every day or several times per day to see if you have updated. This will make your visitors more loyal. The best news of all is that with a RSS feed, search engines will send out the news across the internet so everyone interested in your topic can check out the post.

In order to obtain targeted traffic you will need to do a bit of homework and then implement specific tasks, but it can be done without much effort once you have the knowledge.

Find a great feed reader that can be easily read on your website along with providing your visitors with a simple button to subscribe to your feed. This way, your visitors will not have to search for your subscription button. The button should be placed in the upper third of your home page. This is where you will keep your readers or they will leave and look for other information.

Be sure if you decide to add other RSS feeds to your website that the information you are providing your readers is pertinent to your website. If you have a website with information on cats, the other feeds you supply in a sidebar should not relate to horses. If so, search engines will use the keywords in your side bar to attract visitors and you will have horse lovers visiting your website that will not be happy with your content on cats. Make sure all content on your website pertains to the same subject unless you are just providing local news, national news, or just a general topic website. is your source for adding a quick subscribe button to your website as well as organize all of your subscriptions in one easy place. Join today free by visiting .

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How Using RSS Feeds Would Increase Traffic to Your Blog?

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AppId is over the quota

When you first start implementing the RSS feed feature on your blog, you may feel that it is not a simple task, maybe even a little complex. Some bloggers find it tricky to figure it out, but rest assured that there are great benefits to be gained when you make it work.

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and allows readers of your blog to receive instant notification every time you post new content. Another advantage which most bloggers fail to realize is that it increases the exposure of your blog. So, new readers interested in your topic can find you easily. All readers need to make this whole thing work is a RSS reader.

So, what if you do not have technology-savvy readers reading your blogs? How would you know that your readers will subscribe to your RSS feeds? Are there any consequences when you switch to a new URL or make other changes to your blog? Is there any way to determine who is browsing your blog?

The above questions may come to the mind of bloggers when implementing RSS feeds.

For starters, using Feedburner might be a wiser choice; below are the reasons:

1. Feedburner makes Real Simple Syndication (or RSS) really simple! The set up is easy to understand and the process of doing it is fast and easy.

2. Feedburner makes it more versatile,as well for readers that do not have a feed reader, having an option to subscribe via email.

3. There is a feature in Feedburner known as 'Headline Animator' which allows the broadcast of blog-posts from your Facebook page as well as from other websites which you may have. Feedburner makes it incredibly simple to embed your content on other sites of your choice.

4. Feedburner also gives easy access to information about your subscribers and what they are reading. This information can be used for market research. Also, whenever there is an issue, it can be fixed right away.

5. If you were to switch your blog to a new URL or switch to a new blog software, you do not have to fear losing all your readers!
You could simply change the web address of your blog in my Feedburner account and all your readers will be informed of the switch.
So, your time and efforts spent in building your "fans" would never be gone to waste.

As we have discussed, there are many advantages of setting up an RSS feed on your blog. In summary, Feedburner keeps your blog competitive and offers the features you would need to be an efficient and effective blogger.

You may want to as well consider the following recommendations if you're interested in using programs similar to Feedburner, namely:


2. Feedity

3. FeedBlitz

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

What Is an RSS Feed and How Best to Optimize Its Use

So, what is an RSS feed anyway? Nowadays, the internet has become a great part of most people's lifestyle (mine included!). For some individuals, a daily routine is not complete without logging online. However, no matter how fun web surfing is, it tends to become too time consuming to check each of your favorite sites. It would definitely save you a lot of time if you can check every update and headline in a single place. For those of you who don't know yet, it actually is possible!

Now, let's elaborate that further...

What is an RSS feed?

RSS, which stands for Really Simple Syndication, is an XML format created for news syndication and used as a tool to share web content. Simply put, it provides you with a list of headlines and latest stories from your favorite blogs and sites, everything gathered in one place.

The RSS feed reader on the other hand is the place where the creation of an RSS list takes place. It collects all headlines from your subscribed sites. Now, for you to be able to subscribe for an RSS feed, you simply need to allow a specific site to constantly provide you with a steady flow of updates. You can do this by clicking the symbol to submit feeds.Another option is through a text link that says "Subscribe to RSS feed," or something like that.

How do you optimize the use of an this feed?

If your intention for an RSS feed is for SEO purposes, you definitely need to use a Feedburner. Now, you can do the following for optimization:

Fully publish the feed.Advertise Social Sharing by using FeedFlare.Title and description of the feed must also be optimized.Include an email signature.Find ways to cross post articles to other websites.Your feed must offer email subscriptions.Acquire Creative Commons license to ensure that other others won't copy your content to their sites.Flaunt your feed count for everyone to see. Keep your blogging activity on a consistent level in order to keep your subscribers.

Now, I hope you have a better idea of what is an RSS feed. My advice is to submit to as many as you find interesting to familiarize yourself, and then decide what strategy to adapt.

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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Selecting an RSS Reader

Actually, there are two types of RSS readers, besides the browsers built-in reading feature - online readers and stand-alone applications that you can download to your computer. An online reader does not require any installation but it can be necessary fill in a registration form to gain access to the application in question.

One of the most popular RSS readers online is provided by Google, hence if you have any Google account, you can access this service as well without needing to sign up to this specific service. Microsoft has also an RSS reader within My MSN service, what means that any user with an MSN passport can get this service too.

Performing an online research may bring many other online RSS solutions for the people who do not want to install additional software but need one of these readers instead of simply point the browser to the feed URL. One reason to prefer a reader to the browser functionality is the ability to store feeds, set up alerts, customize how the feeds will be displayed, etc.

Even though, some other people prefer to download an application to have more control to those RSS feeds they want to subscribe or access. Many of these applications are freeware and shareware available on the net, or included in certain software suites, so there is a large number of RSS aggregators for Windows, Mac and Linux to try.

For many years, a popular aggregator has been Web Feedlooks, an application that reads full RSS content fast and easily. However but NewsGator, Windows SharpReader, AmphetaDesk, Mac OS X: NetNewsWire, FeedDemon, and Novobot are powerful RSS applications to keep in mind.

Nonetheless, be aware that using the term "aggregator" to find an RSS reader is not advisable. There are many types of these so-called aggregators designed with different purposes in mind. Review aggregators provide you exclusively with movies, products and services reviews, the same as Social Network aggregators focus on the content of social networking websites.

News aggregators are usually the RSS readers capable to retrieve any type of feeds, while Search aggregators interact with search engines, and video aggregators only collect video resources for convenient classification.

The best way to find what RSS reader suits your needs is trying first the aggregator that comes with your browser; if its functions do not satisfy you, go for an online reader and leave RSS software as your last option to keep your news and updates hassle free. offers feed button and feed cache in one convenient location. Join today free by visiting

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Friday, February 3, 2012

How RSS Feed Submissions Can Elevate Your Online Visibility

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AppId is over the quota

RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication. RSS Feed Submission was designed for people to get their news from news publishers automatically as soon as the news articles are published. The consumer subscribes to an RSS feed that he or she is interested in. From that moment on, as soon as a new article is added, the reader's newsreader is notified. The newsreader then downloads a copy of the new article, and the consumer can then read the article at their leisure. There are many free news readers available on the internet. Also, most email applications double as newsreaders.

RSS Feed Submission is a powerful form of marketing that can attract the interest of the search engines and reach potential customers for any established business, or any business that's just starting out. Now you can reach a wider audience when you post content onto an RSS feed and allow other people or websites to subscribe to your content.

This process is called a feed and most social media sites such as Tweeter, Facebook and MySpace use RSS Feed to distribute their content and news. News is a perfect content for feed, and studies show that the number one source of news in the 18-54 year old age group is the internet. Also, images and news are in fact the most clicked content on web pages. Your company can benefit by using RSS Feed as part of your integrated online marketing strategy. By adding feeds to your news, you can tap into the power of the social web. Ultimately, you can distribute news, new product release, sales and much other information about your company instantly.

RSS feeds keep your audience constantly updated by allowing your customers to easily stay informed about your newest products and services. It also saves people time by allowing them to see your content using their favorite news reader and without having to visit your site. Now that may sound like a bad idea, but in today's fast-paced world anything that saves people time is valued. Most people never go back to visit a website they intended to visit at one time.

If you update your site regularly with news about new products and/or services, the chances of visitors coming back to your site to see those update is very slim. But with constant content updates through RSS Feed Submission, the customer has the chance to see those updates in their news reader provided they subscribed to your RSS feed. This instantly creates a long lasting form of communication between you and the consumer.

RSS Feeds are created using extended Markup Language (XML). To create a feed you can use one of the many available authoring tools on the internet. Another way is to put up a blog by blogging software that usually contains build-in codes that will submit your feed to RSS directories every time you make a new post. This can be tricky for some people. Most blogging software can be intimidating to install due to complexity and lack of documentation. There are also hosted blogs like WordPress and Blogger that contain those build-in codes, but customizing your blog can be difficult. Blogging sites and software may offer some limited submission to blog directories. To get results, you want your blog entries to be posted as many blog directories as possible. It is not practical to do this manually. There are some services and software programs to help you submit your blog to blog directories. The best method to get the word out is to use online services that create and maintain RSS Feed solutions for your company for a nominal fee.

The benefits of RSS are endless. You can attract users and keep them coming back for more by constantly sending out news. It's worth the time to look into RSS Feed Submission for your company to stay above today's highly competitive online marketing, and the ever growing technology landscape!

The Author Angelina Russel is freelance writer in local newspaper and magazine covering topics like Search engine marketing and Search engine optimization

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rich Site Summary Feeds and Traffic Building 101

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AppId is over the quota

If you are one of those who loves technology and everything that has to do with the Internet, websites, and how they work, or if you are one of those persons who owns a website and want to know what you can do in terms of getting more daily visits then there are a few basic things that you should know about RSS Feeds and Traffic Building. Now, maybe you are not aware of this, but both of these elements are of extreme importance for the Internet to function correctly; they not only help those interested always get the latest news and information updates, but also help anyone learn how to go about getting more people to visit a particular website.

First of all, what are RSS Feeds, and what is Traffic Building? Well, in case you did not know what they are, let us start with RSS Feeds. RSS, which like it has already been said, stands for Rich Site Summary; it is a format that is used for regular web content updates. In other words, RSS is a format used in websites that constantly updates information. What purpose does this serve? Well, simply stated, it allows those interested to always get the latest information that is posted on a specific website. Now, having covered the RSS Feeds basic information, is it important for websites (and users)? They sure are because they make it possible for websites to always present the latest, freshest information; users benefit as they can always get the latest information as soon as it is out.

Moving on to Traffic Building, it can be said that the term speaks for itself. Traffic refers to the number of online users that are coursing through the web at one point in time. Building traffic, then, refers to increasing the traffic that websites experience at a given point in time. Now, having explained both of these things it should be clear that the former has an effect on the latter; RSS Feeds has an effect on Traffic Building. Now, it should also be said that there are other ways of building traffic other than RSS Feeds; social media, SEO Optimization, back links, and media articles are all tools that can be used in order to build traffic in one website.

So, this is the most basic information that you need to know about RSS Feeds and about Traffic Building; this brief compendium of information is what we call Rich Site Summary Feeds and Traffic Building 101. Using this information, you will be in a better position to understand what these terms mean, and more importantly, what they implicate to the Internet in general and to online websites in particular. If you are thinking of starting your own website, or if you are simply one of those who love to be in the loop when it comes to the latest developments in the Internet and/or websites (web design, configuration, and maintenance), you might want to look more into RSS and traffic building.

To Your Success!

Danielle Gambrell, Administrative Support Consultant for Passionate and Driven Woman Entrepreneurs and Business Consultant

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